Location Göttingen

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Translational Neuroinflammation and Automated Microscopy

The Göttingen location Translational Neuroinflammation and Automated Microscopy has extensive expertise in preclinical research of neurodegenerative diseases as well as the application and further development of super-resolution light microscopy for the in-depth characterization of new pharmacological agents.

The overall goal is to discover new pathophysiological starting points for chronic progressive brain diseases and to make them therapeutically useful by means of innovative strategies. One focus is on the automation of innovative high- and super-resolution microscopy techniques to visualize sub-cellular structures. Together with novel image analysis algorithms, they allow the investigation of the influence of drugs on the nanostructure of (living) cells with high throughput.

Various preclinical animal and cell culture models of multiple sclerosis allow in-depth exploration of the efficacy of new pharmacologics for targeted use in the central nervous system.

Through an Early Clinical Trial Unit (ECTU) in cooperation with the University Medical Center Göttingen, we have the possibility to test the previously identified and thoroughly characterized drug candidates and therapeutic approaches in phase I clinical trials.



Neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases, cell culture models, high and super-resolution microscopy techniques.



  • Innovative super-resolution microscopy
  • Automation of microscopy processes
  • Innovative image evaluation algorithms
  • Preclinical cell culture and animal models
  • Phase I Unit



Translational Neuroinflammation

The Translational Neuroinflammation unit aims to develop new therapeutic approaches for largely intractable diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), such as progressive multiple sclerosis (MS), using appropriate in vitro and in vivo models.

The knowledge gained from experimental research will be transferred to the Early-Clinical Trial Unit for testing in patients.   


Automated high-resolution Microscopy

The Automated High Resolution Microscopy unit develops and establishes imaging analysis methods for the comprehensive characterization of new pharmacological agents. Super-resolution microscopy techniques such as STED microscopy and automated high-throughput microscopy are used.


Preclinical Research

The Preclinical Research Unit investigates pathomechanisms of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. One focus is on rare neurometabolic diseases. It also develops and generates disease models based on human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). The aim of the work is the development of new therapeutic approaches and their application in clinical studies.

Early Clinical Trial Unit

The Early Clinical Trial Unit (ECTU) has all the necessary infrastructure and personnel to conduct clinical phase I trials. The focus here is on testing new active substances for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) that are largely difficult to treat. The aim is to quickly and specifically transfer scientific findings into everyday clinical practice.

Projects in the department

A selection of the current projects in the department.


Here you will find an overview of all publications that have resulted from the research work of the department.


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